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11 Mar 2025
12 Mar 2025


Standards for the protection of minors at Aparthotel Basztowa in Krakow


I. Preliminary provisions

  1. Considering the need to ensure proper protection for minors during their stay at the aparthotel, the following “Standards for the protection of minors at Aparthotel Basztowa” (referred to as the Standards) are introduced.
  2. Whenever the Standards refer to: a) Aparthotel – it means Aparthotel Basztowa, located at Ul. Basztowa 24, 31-156 Krakow. b) Aparthotel Manager – this refers to the person managing the Aparthotel, even temporarily, e.g., as a substitute. c) Aparthotel staff – this includes all personnel working at the Aparthotel, regardless of their legal basis for employment. d) Minors – this refers to individuals who have not yet reached 18 years of age.
  3. At every stage of implementing procedures outlined in the Standards, it is essential to recognize that they may inconvenience aparthotel guests. Therefore, understanding and explaining the necessity of these procedures to guests, both practically and legally, is crucial. However, a guest’s reaction cannot be a reason to deviate from the procedures.
  4. All procedures specified in the Standards should be applied proportionally to the situation and in a rational manner.

Aparthotel staff should consider the emotional and intellectual development  of minors during interactions, and in cases where a minor has disabilities or special educational needs, these should also be taken into account.

II. Principles ensuring safe relations between Aparthotel employees and minors, with particular emphasis on prohibited behavior towards minors:

  1. Aparthotel Basztowa will make every effort to ensure that employees who may have contact with minors staying at the Aparthotel are aware of their obligations in this regard and are capable of maintaining safe relationships with minors.
  2. Aparthotel staff should avoid situations where they are alone with a minor in a room, except when leaving the minor alone in the room would significantly endanger their well-being, especially their health or life. Whenever possible, the presence of another adult, monitoring by surveillance cameras, or scheduling work duties to return promptly should be arranged to address such situations.
  3. Any interactions between Aparthotel staff and minors staying at the Aparthotel should not exceed what is justified by the staff's professional duties.

III. Principles and procedures for identifying a minor staying at the Aparthotel and their relationship with the accompanying adult.

  1. The identification of a minor and their relationship with the accompanying adult at the Aparthotel is carried out by the aparthotel reception staff. This identification is based on the documents of the minor and the accompanying adult. If such documents are unavailable, the identification can be done through a conversation with both the adult and the minor. If the accompanying adult is not the parent or legal guardian of the minor, they should provide proof, such as relevant documentation or consent from the minor’s parent or legal guardian.
  2. If, during the procedure described in point 1, the reception staff have any doubts about the relationship between the minor and the accompanying adult, they should discreetly inform the Aparthotel Manager. Both the minor and the adult should remain under the observation of aparthotel staff during this time.
  3. During the conversation with the minor, special attention should be given to ensuring that the minor can express themselves freely and without constraint. Specifically, the adult accompanying the minor should refrain from answering questions directed at the minor. If the adult in any way hinders communication with the minor or exerts pressure, even through their presence, they should be asked to leave the room during the conversation with the minor. Additionally, another aparthotel staff member should be present during the conversation. 

IV. Principles and procedures for responding in cases where there is reasonable suspicion that the well-being of a minor on the Aparthotel premises is at risk.

  1. If there is reasonable suspicion that the well-being of a minor on the Aparthotel premises is at risk, every Aparthotel employee is obligated to take appropriate action in response.
  2. Reasonable suspicion of harm to a minor occurs, especially when an Aparhotel employee observes circumstances that indicate harm to the minor, when the minor bears signs suggestive of harm, or when the minor themselves reports harm.
  3. The actions mentioned in point 1 should involve immediately notifying the Aparthotel Manager of the situation. If this is not possible or would cause unnecessary delay, the employee should inform their supervisor or the police.
  4. If it is reasonable to expect from the Aparthotel employee in a given situation, they may also take direct actions to prevent harm, ensuring that such attempts do not endanger their own safety, the minor’s safety, or that of bystanders. For the purposes of this provision, a bystander is not the perpetrator or accomplice of the harm. The actions of the Aparthotel employee should remain within legal  boundaries, particularly adhering to principles govering necessary defense or so-called citizen's arrest.

V. Procedures and individuals responsible for reporting suspected crimes against minors and notifying the guardianship court.

  1. After being informed by Aparthotel employees in situations specified in these Standards, the Aparthotel Manager is obligated to assess the situation and, if circumstances warrant, notify the police.
  2. In urgent situations, any Aparthotel employee is authorized and required to notify the police.
  3. After notifying the police, Aparthotel staff should ensure that both the minor and the adult who may have committed the crime do not leave the Aparthotel before the arrival of police officers. Additionally, potential evidence related to the crime (e.g. syrveillance camera footage) should be preserved


VI. Scope of competence of the person responsible for preparing Aparthotel staff to implement the Standards, principles of preparing these employees for their application, and the method of documenting this activity.

  1. The individuals responsible for preparing Aparthotel staff to implement the Standards are designated Coordinators in internal procedures.
  2. Aparthotel employees will have the opportunity to enhance their competencies related to tasks arising from the Standards through internal training.

VII. Final provisions

  1. At least once every two years, an assessment of the Standards will be conducted to ensure their alignment with current needs and compliance with applicable regulations. The conclusions from this assessment will be documented in writing.
  2. The Standards will be made available on the website and will also be posted in the hotel reception area, in both full and abbreviated versions intended for minors.
  3. The standards come into effect on February 15.2024
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